Did you know...?


...that Seefeel recently played their first show in a million years on October 24th in the Ukraine of all places?
from their myspace blog...

For the first time in over a decade Seefeel will be reconvening for select live shows in the near future...

However, for various logistical reasons (mostly geographical) Justin and Daren will be unable to join Mark and Sarah for this reunion. Filling in for Justin is Iida Kazuhisa (E-da, former 'Boredoms' drummer) and on bass is Shigeru Ishihara (aka DJ Scotch Egg).

More dates are on the horizon, but in the interim here are some live videos from a recent Seefeel performance at the 'Kvitnu Fest' in Ukraine from October 24, 2008...

who wants them to come the states? we do...